RSV Immunization Eligibility Criteria for 2024-25 Season

We are excited to have the RSV immunization (nirsevimab) available for eligible PAR patients this fall!

To learn more about RSV, the risks it can pose to young children, and the difference between RSV immunization and routine vaccines, we encourage you to read this article in our medical resource library and/or the CDC information page.

PAR providers recommend the RSV immunization for all eligible patients. Eligibility criteria are as follows:

Born April 1, 2024 or later and

  • birth mother did NOT receive the adult RSV vaccine while pregnant; OR
  • born less than 14 days after birth mother received the adult RSV vaccine

Born April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 and is one of the following:

  • a child with chronic lung disease of prematurity
  • a child with cystic fibrosis
  • a child with severe immune compromise
  • an American Indian or Alaska Native child

If your child does not meet eligibility criteria, we are not able to administer the immunization to your child. Note that eligibility criteria are not set by PAR, but rather by the FDA and CDC, and we cannot make exceptions.

If you are interested in the RSV immunization for your child, please call 804-282-4205 and press 6 for the RSV immunization line. Leave a voicemail with your name, your child’s name and date of birth, and best call back number. A member of our clinical team will contact you to confirm

your child meets eligibility criteria and to schedule the immunization.

We are expecting high demand but have planned to have enough doses for eligible PAR patients. In order to keep the process as efficient as possible, we ask that you NOT leave a message on the RSV immunization line if your child was born before April 1, 2024 and has none of the aforementioned high-risk medical conditions (i.e. (s)he is not eligible).


The Providers and Staff of Pediatric Associates of Richmond