Preventing and Treating Diaper Rash When the summer heat and humidity cause cheeks to turn red and sweaty, sometimes little bottoms turn red, as well. Diaper rash is…
Toddlers and Preschoolers want to explore and discover how things work, usually on their own without the assistance of parents or older siblings. Check here for tips related to managing behavior issues and other topics.
Nightmares Nightmares and night terrors are different entities that are commonly confused by parents. A nightmare is a scary or disturbing dream that occurs during REM sleep. One…
When and How to Potty Train Toddlers Just as parents cannot force a child to eat, they cannot expect to force a child to use the potty successfully….
Recommended Books for Parents Our favorite books for parents for caring for children from birth to adulthood. Caring for babies Baby 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice for…
Routine, Routine, Routine As your child grows from infancy to toddlerhood, sleep environment and sleep routines gain increasing importance. Toddlers and school aged children depend on routine. In…
Drooling Most babies start drooling and putting their hands in their mouths at 3-4 months old as their gums become sensitive. Babies also put their hands in their…
Preparing for Temper Tantrums It’s not just the “terrible 2’s.” Children from 15 months to 4 years old have frequent temper tantrums. They are easily frustrated by the…
A child’s first birthday is a time of celebration for family and the mark of transition from infancy to toddlerhood. Your child’s language, gross motor (big movements) and…